Full-sounding SS amps (besides Pass)

Speaker interactions aside, what solid state amp brands/designers tend to have a fuller sound these days? Not necessarily warm or tubey per se, but fleshed out in the upper bass and harmonically complete in the midrange, as opposed to lean. E.g. an Australian ME Sound amp I have from a while back has this quality, without sounding overtly warm. 

Obvious candidates: Pass, Luxman. What else?

Cost no object, feel free to throw out one-liners. Think of it as a poll.  (Please don't answer tubes though, thanks. :D )
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You can get Steve McCormack DNA ModSquad to fully rebuild any of the DNA products.  Sometimes they have stock on hand and can completely remake an amplifier from a trade in.  So while they are not currently in production, if you can get your hands on an old chassis in good shape, they can upgrade it to essentially new status (actually better than new).