Fuse upgrades? -- 6.3 amp 250v 5X20mm fast blow fuses

I occasional blow a one of these 4 fuses in my McCormack DNA .05 and use cheap fuse replacements costing maybe $.50 a piece.  Can anyone recommend upgrades fuses that might enhance the performance of the amp, but not costing in the SR price range.  Say $1-$5 a piece?   Thanks for any insights.    
@clearthink wrote:
You have the active fantasy life of a small child... from your mountaintop of ignorance, confusion and disorientation.

@clearthink, Would you care to explain your assessment?  
This is going reasonably well, you know, considering it’s a fuse thread.

If you think UL losing is a big audiophile issue for fuses just ask the 70 or 80 thousand audiophiles who opted for non UL listed aftermarket fuses. And if you insist on something fast acting try some fast actin Tinactin. We want tuna that tastes good, not tuna with good taste. 🐬

Would you care to explain your assessment?'

It looks like I have hurt your sensitive feelings and that you have had my post removed so no I do not care to explain it is obvious to all who read you're renderings hear it is best that you leave me alone I don't want you to suffer what American's call "butt hurt."
Post removed 
In my Platinum upgrade of the McCormack DNA .05, Steve has four FB rail fuses, two on the main circuit board, and a fuse ahead of the transformer.  I don't know his logic for using so many fuses, and I have blown a few of the rail fuses with poor IC connections, but it is the finest amp I have ever heard.  I think he used the fuses perhaps to idiot-proof them, which I will admit to being one.  Cheers, Mark