I recently listened to the AMR fuses, The Hi-Fi Tuning Supreme, and the Synergistic fuses.
On tube equipment, I like the AMR over the others. They are more tonally correct and counteract the tendency of tube equipment to sound "soft". These differences are slight, but very noticeable. The Supreme fuses were just a little too bloomy, and the midrange on up had a slight glare or emphasis.
On the solid state equipment,(I only tried two components), The Supreme fuses gave a little more bloom and weight, while bringing out more detail, which silver usually does. The effect was slight and welcomed. It was not like using a silver interconnect, or worse yet, a silver conductor power cord. Those usually soften the bass too much, and throw off the tone. The Supreme fuses are like adding some of the positive aspects of silver conductors, while minimizing the usual negatives.
I may need more time with the Synergistic fuses, but my first impressions are they are more shrill than the others, but are quite clear in the upper treble range.