fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones

My Rogue Cronus recently blew a slow blow fuse. I was surfing to find a replacement. The stock fuse is a typical metal end cap, glass and "wire" fuse. The audio emporiums only seemed to offer these $39 German gold plated end wunderkinds. I finally found "normal" fuses from a guitar amp site. Has anyone tried the uber fuses and found the sound better? Hard to understand how it could be. Thanks for any thoughts.
As far as DBT: What knowledge do have that either of the persons involved have any experience with live music, or any experience/training with regards to critical listening?

Rodman, the DBT was in reference to how fuses affect an amp's sonics. Please explain what live music listening experience has to do with noting a difference in amps with or without these fuses. I can understand where that experience would benefit if we were talking about comparing a jazz trio in the room with a recorded version of that jazz trio. Just not sure what relevance it has to do with the fuse discussion. Please enlighten me.
Mt T: If you'll take the time to actually read my post you'll note that I stated, "That opinion will be totally and completely lacking in merit to ME", and that I was addressing DBT in general. There are a multitude out there that share the everything-sounds-the-same affinity and they can chase whatever Grail they choose. My judgements as to whether a component change affects my system's sonics in a beneficial way are based solely on whether said change brings me closer to the real thing(music), which the fuses under discussion did to another degree. Taken in the context of my other posts in this thread: My points were really quite relevant and self-explanatory.
Mt T: Further, I'm certain that you must see more "relevance" to Coke and Pepsi in a discussion concerning music reproduction, fuses and audio equipment than that of the sounds/nuances of live music. Perhaps you could enlighten me? Is there a mirror in your house?
Rodman, I caught the part that it was only important to YOU. Just looking for some logic behind the concept. You may say listening to and feeling music is not logical and I would agree. But the reproduction of music through electronic media is entirely logical.
Coke and Pepsi was an analogy you seemed to miss.
BTW, look through your feedback. Do you remember me?
Mt T- To me music is the ONLY thing that matters, anything else is secondary. That's been the case since I was a teenager learning to play guitar and operate sound equipment. In my way of thinking(reasoning or logic)- If my system doesn't provide an accurate representation of what went on at the recording event(music and venue), I need to find out why and correct it. Yes- I do remember you and your son. My system has drastically evolved since your visit, and I think of you(wondering what your reaction would now be) whenever I play the 'Dead Can Dance' cuts that you so enjoyed then. I do believe your jaw would drop now.