fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones

My Rogue Cronus recently blew a slow blow fuse. I was surfing to find a replacement. The stock fuse is a typical metal end cap, glass and "wire" fuse. The audio emporiums only seemed to offer these $39 German gold plated end wunderkinds. I finally found "normal" fuses from a guitar amp site. Has anyone tried the uber fuses and found the sound better? Hard to understand how it could be. Thanks for any thoughts.
When I bought most of my IsoCleans they were $25 each. They are now$35 for all values.
Nsgarch, you should also take a look at

Ceramic and cryo'd for $7.75 - no indication of sand-filled, but I have sent them a note. Now these prices are more like it (though I don't know if they are better, the same, or worse than Isolclean/HiFi Tuning ones).

Now if I can get a cryo'd, ceramic, sand-filled fuse for $7.75 I'll try them. If the Isoclean/HFT can make a difference, these must also, but for a lot less money. I'm going to try the HFT Acme and the ones from CryoParts with my Atma-sphere electronics and Merlin VSMs (both pretty resolving). Now if I can't hear a difference, it only means I can't hear a difference; which does not prove much - it could mean I'm deaf or my system stinks. But if I do hear a difference there likely is one. Disclaimer, I have not financial interest in any of the vendors or providing cryogenic services.

The HiFi-Tuning website in Germany has the prices for their fuses in Euros. The fuses are priced at 16 €, which is about US$ 23. Then these fuses travel business class across the ocean and by the time they reach US shores, they cost US$ 40. I'm glad to see other ceramic alternatives that are UL listed.


Click on "Zubehör / Tuning" and scroll down for the full list of prices.
Pubul57 says:

"Knownothing, since you do hear the difference, it would be interesting to see if you could hear the same level of improvement with the $12 Acme. No DBT, just listening."

I dunno, didn't try them? Cheap is good, especially if its really good :-) Changing fuses is enough of a hassle that I am not likely to mess with a good thing for now, but if I get the hankering to fiddle with fuses in other pieces of gear I might give some of the cheaper alternatives a shot.

For what it is worth, the three HiFi Tuning fuses I replaced in my integrated amp taken together cost about the same as the AQ diamondback interconnects I am currently using, and the change made about the same degree of improvement in the sound quality as when I swapped the AQs in for some relatively cheap Monster cables.

Its hard to tell what my favorite tweak has been, because each improvement allows me to discern a greater degree of difference in sound resulting from the next action!?! Adding these fuses has to be way up near the top...