A lot of us sell items that have the factory packing. I wonder what would happen if we asked Mail Boxes to examine the quality of that packing before they ship it? Have them tape up the top cover after they inspect it. Maybe they'll add a little foam for a couple bucks, so it shows they packed it on the receipt. Then if UPS starts to weasel out, just tell them Mail Boxes inspected the packing, and it was proper.
I am not trying to drum up business for Mail Boxes or UPS. I am just trying to maybe save us from a future headache. We'll see? Since UPS has decided to get into the retail packing business; let's use it as additional insurance against their excuses for broken gear.
If you live near a UPS drop off depot, some of them will assist with packing also. It might be less expensive also.
I am not trying to drum up business for Mail Boxes or UPS. I am just trying to maybe save us from a future headache. We'll see? Since UPS has decided to get into the retail packing business; let's use it as additional insurance against their excuses for broken gear.
If you live near a UPS drop off depot, some of them will assist with packing also. It might be less expensive also.