Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?

Any one else out there using these Gabriel Gold IC's?
I need to know if it is me or if anyone else finds them as good as me.
I bought a pair on auction a while back and compared them to my Stealth cables.
After about a week of going back and forth I found the Gabriel Golds to have bettered my Stealths and bought more.
Is it me?
Just wondering what some other folks who bought them think of them.
Thanks for the input.
I've heard some good things about Virtual Dynamics and Jade.Some interesting comparisons are sure to come in the future it seems
I haven't heard any Gabriel's yet, however, from reading the threads it would seem they are more comparable to the Jade and Stealth cables than to the Virtual Dynamics. I've owned Stealth, Jade and Virtual Dynamics, amongst many others. The Virtual Dynamics will sound more powerful and dynamic than the Stealth or Jade, but they are also have a more forward presentation that I did not care for. The VD cables also had less of a three dimensional stage, and didn't present the natural sounding instrumental colors and hues that I get from Jade, Stealth, and PAD cables.

This of course is all just my opinion. I do know many VD fans who love that forward, dynamic and powerful sound. They love the excitement of that front row presentation. So it's all depending on your musical tastes. I would say that Virtual Dynamics is in an entirely different camp than Jade, Stealth PAD and from what I've read, the Gabriel's as well. Which camp you wish to be in is your call.

John, I do agree the VD cables are more power, dynamic, and the presentation is more forward. However, can you elaborate on the comment regarding natural sounding instrumental colors and hues. Any specific examples you can cite.

On a side note. I decided to also include a couple other cables in the comparison. Namely the Oritek X-2 and Ridge Street Audio Poemia!!!. I tend to rotate these cables in and out of my system for variety purposes.

I'd also like to ask a question regarding shielding and noise. My understanding is that the Gabriel Gold Extremes are not shielded. Has anyome who used the cable had any issue with RFI or noise as a result of the lack of shielding.
Clio09, it is hard for me to elaborate, as I'm not a professional reviewer, but I will try. To my ears, in my system, the cables/cords that I've owned from Stealth, Jade Audio and PAD present a more natural, realistic instrumental colors and hues, as I've mentioned above. By this I mean that instruments natural decay resonation seems to come through better. I've demo'd VD Revelation speaker cables, and I still own Revelation and Master power cords, so I'm not slamming VD, they do have their positive attributes, as I've already mentioned.
IMHO, the VD's dynamic sound is attributed to it's incredible speed of the attack on the note that's played, however, the decay of the note is truncated. I hear more natural decay of the notes resonating on the aforementioned Jade, Stealth and PAD cables. As I tried to explain it to a friend of mine, when using the VD cables, the pluck of a guitar string sounds clearer, however with the Stealth, Jade, PAD, I can better hear the wooden body of the guitar resonating as well.
To my ears, this is most notable with brass instruments, horns and even cymbals. The natural shimmer that I associate with live sound just sounds more realistic when the note is allowed to decay in it's own space. I don't know if this explaination helps you out or confuses you more. Again, it's not easy for me to put what I hear into words. Also, I do understand that others have different tastes. Some may call my preference for hearing natural decay resonation a 'euphonic coloration'. So be it. Just like the tube vs. SS debate, this issue will have it's own proponants.

Now I'm not trying to rile up the VD zealots, as I mention they do have many positive attributes. I even still own some, and I'm trying to find a proper place for them. Somewhere where they will deliver the added dynamic power, w/o losing the 3-D stage and natural decay that I prefer.
I note in a previous thread that you had a RSAD Z-der block on your preamp with a VD Master attached. I currently have a VD Revelation p/c going through a Z-der block into my preamp. It sounds better than the RSAD Alethias! Signature cord that I had on the preamp before the Revelation. I haven't tried the Stealth Dream here yet though.

FWIW, I used to own RSAD Poiema!!! and Poiema!! Signature interconnects and speaker cables. Very nice cables, though I don't own them anymore. I do still own a pair of RSAD Poiema!!! Signature power cords along with the one Alethias! Signature power cord (and many others).

Also, just to get back on topic, I did order a pair of Gabriel Revelation speaker cables today. I will report back some time in the future with my impressions.

Thanks John, you've clarified things for me. I have a better idea of where you're coming from and I do agree with you on some of your points. The VD interconnects are a different animal in my system than then PCs. In fact I think I prefer the VD PCs more so than the interconnects at this point. The interconnects are great, but they do lack that live ambience which is something I notice in spades with RSAD Poemia!!!

BTW - since I now use a TVC I moved the Z-der block to the transport and use it with a Nite II PC. I have the Master on my DAC and am thinking of getting a Z-der block for it.

On another note. I received my Gold Extreme cables today and put them in the system. They replaced the RSAD Poemia!!! between my DAC and preamp. For the time being I'll let the VD Master stay between the preamp and amp. I am using VD Master speaker cables as well. I listened to a couple of CDs and had to turn down the volume. It wouldn't be fair to comment further at this point until the cables have settled in a bit and have a 100 hours or so on them.