Gale 401a speakers

Anybody else here using these old wonders?
I bought a pair of these for my second system.
A year later and now with three rebuilt pairs I have come to love these things and they now reside most of the time in my main system.

A thirty five year old design has no right to sound so good.Or look so good.
Over the years I have owned all sorts of speakers-electrostats,BBC monitors,horns and all sorts of dynamic speakers and on balance I have to say none were better than these Gales.A very complete and coherent sounding speaker.Most of all they sound really big but never like boxes.

A much misunderstood speaker.By reputation they they are very current hungry and require monster SS power amps.
But in reality they sound best with good tube amps like the Almarro 318B.Tubes seem to take their sound to a different level-some sort of electrical compatability going on I guess.

They warrant fastidious reconditioning.It is very easy to ruin them if reconditioning components are not appropriate.

There is a lot of information at the Gale Google Group.

Showing 2 responses by musicfan44


I have a pair of Gale 401a speakers
They have been in my possession for over 20 yrs they were given to me.
I recently took them to an electronics person to see if they worked properly as i was thinking of trying to sell them.
He tested them but found that only the bass speakers worked.

They have been stored well & are in fairly good nick.
I dont want these to end up on the scrap heap.
I would like someone to have them for free (who might want the parts)
I live in Richmond Surrey, TW9. UK
So if u are interested please post a reply to this thread on this website.
I dont want my personal details on the web
You can email me -
I dont use this website (until tday) or use that email account for day to day use.
Im not an audio head or want to make a listing on this site as it cost money & time etc
So please share this post to anyone who may be interested…

Hello all,

IM pleased to say that my post on this website did the job.

A man in USA saw this & passed it on to Dave Smith at Vintage Gale.

We made contact & an arrangement (a good man), he collected them a few days ago…

