Gallo REfF3's-All their cracked up to be?

Having won award from Absolute Sound,6Moons etc just wondering if how they compare with others in $25r00-$5K range.With Maggie 1.6/3.6's,Spendors,Harbeths,B&W Nautilus 803's etc not to mention used Quad 988.989,Infinity Preludes that have been seen as low as $3500,Gershman RX-20's used,offerings from Audio Physic (again good values used,heard Sparks where I liked low volume dynamics and read the Gallo's need to be pushed to come alive) well it's a crowded market.But seems like the twop speakers that have major buzz factor are the Gallo and NHT Xd system (selling for a bit over $6K).Live in sticks anbd would like to hear from folks who have put the Gallo's up against other speakers with empahsis on accurate midrange.Had as pair of Ref 2's but never got system set up around them nor dialed them in correctly.Was so nervous that tweeters might blow which were irreplacable got me nervous and I got rid of them pretty quickly.Have heard from dealers that Gallo can be unpleasant in cutomer support and lack of back tweeters could have been his resent ment that they did not sell better.But even though that's speculation is does say that they could be beter in support area.Maybe new models and sales might correct this.,They seemed to have great attributes but also weakneeses.Couldn't shake the feeling they were "gimmicky" in some respects but againn perhaps they were not dialed in proprly.Would lkike to run with 40 watt glass but could go 200+ solid state.Any auditions or owners who could give the good ,the bad and the ugly?
I hear the Gallo's for the first time today. The bass was heavy but everyhting else was stellar. (Seems to me most speakers have way too much bass for almost any room but I guess people like that). One issue - they are short.

Why are they and so many floor standing speakers so short? The average person inf the avaerage chair or couch is well above these and many other speakers

I also heard the soon to be announced Avalon Evolution. it was amazing - especially for the size and price. the highs we not quite as crisp as the Gallo but overall the speaker was just as impressive - and the bass wasn't heavy
I have owned and listened to the Gallo ref 3.0 for a year. My experiences did vary quite a bit depending on all equipment and ic's and pc's. Initially the Gallos were so harsh in the mids but the highs were glorious.The bass was not nearly where I wanted it to be. Not enough definition or prominence.Just kind of mushy. Got a good ss amp (bat vk 500) and gained some bass and mids and liquid but still harsh on mids due to cd player(music hall). Then added tube pre amp(bat vk 5ix) which helped alot to control the etched sound of the mids. I believe that the Gallos really reflect the equipment. Finally got a 24 bit Bat vk d5se cd player and hit real paydirt. The sound improved immensley as well as the sound stage. The real gains were in the speaker cable and interconnects as well as power chords. After ALL tweaks were done I found myself glued to my system in an unusual way. I could listen for hours on end without the fatigue I had experienced before all the changes. The imaging is wonderful but the bass mids and highs are something to be sought after. VERY clean and warm with lots of textures that are simply astounding. I never tire or fatigue and I want to really spend the time listening. The only thing now is the bass is slightly heavier than I want in some recordings. I have a small wierd room but speaker placement is the key in any room. I think tubes and warm ic and speaker cable make a tremendous. (Speltz IC and speaker cable with ZU Mother pc)I did try some other cables and did not find the warmth or bass that seemed possible. So here is mt 2 cents worth. Work toward the goal of taming the Gallos is my suggestion.
My 3.1s sound great. The detail and clarity is sensational. They sound great all around the room. Imaging is great, following each instrument is concise as well as effortless.
A totally engaging listening experience with no fatigue.
I would like to know though if anyone has modded the mid enclosures, i feel that these speakers could progress even further with some dampening on these . I am reluctant to bastardise the external though and am timid about opening the speakers up.
Hi All!

I have a 7.1 Gallo Ref3.1 system for home theater. I use a Lexicon RV-8 for movie duties, and a Pathos Classic MK2 integrated for dedicated music. Source is a Lexicon RT-20. I have custom subs, w Velodyne
SMS-1 controlling them.
I've heard quite a few speakers, and the Gallos with my Pathos driving them are Audiophile SEX! (I'd do 'em if I could...:-)
IMO-if you are not getting great sound with these speakers, something is seriously off with your system, room, or set up.
They are stupid easy to set up. Just get them 3-4 feet out from front, and side walls, and they are singing. The many stellar reviews are DEAD on. I love the sound of planars/ribbons, but they are huge, and usually require very careful setup(at least my Martin Logans do). Also the bigger stats, and ribbons visually "dominate" the room. The Gallo ref's have the speed and killer soundstage, without taking over the entire room. My 6 ref 3.1, with ref center channel
are AMAZING for home theater, and visually are barely noticed. With LOGIC 7(Lexicon) and the Gallos you ARE in the movie for sure.
These are keepers for a long time! Feel free to contact me with any comments, suggestions, or questions.

I've auditioned the Gallos and fall into the Not That Impressed camp. They certainly look cool--certainly a major factor in their huge popularity-- but weren't, to my ears, especially exciting to listen to--nice, but not overly detailed high end, somewhat lacking in dynamic slam and bass extension. Within their $3-5k price range, I much prefer the Magnepan 3.6 (which also need a sub) as well as the more conventional Totem, JM Lab, VMPS, PSB floorstanders, all of which sound "fuller". Just my opinion, of course--I hope their many fans continue to enjoy them.