Gallos ohms mirages or deuvels

If I like transparency imaging and excellent sounstage which one do you recommend?
I know I've asked this before but had to change the title of the thread.
Ohm over Gallo Reference on all three counts. Gallo imaging compared to Ohm with everything set up properly is probably the closest call. The Ohms are hard to beat in the transparency and sound stage departments.

Never heard deuvals so not sure. Planets design does not thrill me on paper.

The larger and more expensive Dueval horn loaded omni design (can't recall model) is intriguing from what I've read.
By changing the title of the thread this isn't going to change what members think is the better speaker.

Sure hope that you make a decision soon......
Gallos will be really difficult to suspend with bungee cord - not recommended! The ore boxy ohms are a better choice.