Game Changing Tweak

I bought a pair of electrical devices called Electraclear from a company called AddPowr. They're simply plugged into an electrical outlet that's shared by your system. I paid under $300 for them and they've boosted my system's fidelity dramatically. In the 1800's,  a physicist and mathematician, Joseph Fourier, delved into the science of harmonics, and now the founder of AddPowr used these equations to increase the signal to noise ratio. (more signal=less noise) His devices act as harmonic resonators. He worked for a high-end audio cable company before focusing on this new range of products.
   I thought that when I first received the Electraclears, the difference would be subtle. To my surprise and delight, it was a stunning change. I was hearing music from the inside out. Cleaner, more dynamic, and a far greater and noticeable improvement than my power conditioner produces.
   I love finding inexpensive audio devices that work. The company makes other products, but I'd recommend a pair of Electraclears to start. 
I put one on my refrigerator.   Holy cow, my beer has never been colder and the refrigerator no longer makes noise.....
Id convince myself it sounded better also if  I pissed away 300 dollars on an outlet. lmao
The Mayans used human sacrifice to please the gods so the sun would rise in the morning. This seemed to be a good tweak. There was not a lot of science behind it but the results were very clear. These things need to be tried first and judged second.