The Voyager and Peachree use modules from Elegant Audio Solutions.....they were listened to and tweaked for is the Orchard better than that?....designed by one guy.
The ONLY way to know which sounds best is to A/B. I don't care which one is best.......your ears will know. So, wlll someone get them both in their hands at the same time and A/B and tell us something REAL......or do we just keep guessing?
And who has A/Bed the AGD or Atmasphere with any of the above? Probably, no we don't know diddly-squat..
Another one to consider is the Purifi module and especially the brand new "better sounding' Purifi modded by myself.....or even sold as stock by VTV.....I bet that is nice too. BTW, i don't care if I ever mod one as my new Music Purifiers are going to take over the world....he he.....
So many little money and time and energy.
They all get rave reviews....they all have fan boys....none of them have ever compared......Full of unknowns....this high end audio is......Back in the 70s we all knew exactly what all the products did because there were so few of buddies and I had almost all the serious high end components available at the time and we could just go over to each others house and do an A/B real quickly.....this was a five mile radius of people in Berkeley.
Wouldn't it be cool if some magazine got all the above amps in and burned them all in for 400 hours and compared them all in a couple of systems.....of course, all of them on the same footers, same power cords, etc. Will this ever happen.?....absolutely not....because the losers in the sonic test would never advertise in the magazine again and the persons reviewing them would never get a anything else....ever....from the loser companies. Interesting that cameras, cars, motorcycles, tvs, almost everything else in the world are tested and compared......not high end is a mystery game.....enjoy the mystery.
Here is what is REALLY cool.....all of the above amps are great....they would be happy with any of them (that is why they are all getting rave reviews).....but which one is best? Flip a coin.
You don't have to flip a coin to be happy.....just choose the happiness side and feel it, live it and be it. Blessings to you all.