Gave up my SET----looking for moderate to higher power replacement options

I recently sold my JAS Array 2.1, which is a SET using 805 and 300B producing 45w.  With NOS RCA 805 and Sophia Princess 300B's, this amp produced the best sound I've ever had.  I used it to drive the satellite section of a pair of DIY/Legacy Focus clones using Eton drivers.  I've ran several different solid state amps on the bass drivers.  The inner detail and palpability of images were fantastic.  Images were life-sized and, frequently, sounded as if the musicians were in the room with me (not much of an exaggeration--honestly!)  And despite the modest power rating, this amp had startling dynamics.  It was an exciting and very engaging listen but.....well, aside from the amp breaking down on a few occasions, the cost of tubes and the extreme heat the amp put out,  the amp did run out of power when I pushed it too hard.  

I've tried several other amps during my time with the JAS, typically as warm weather substitutes, and a few more since I sold it but I really am mostly disappointed.  Presently I have an Audiozone Amp1 running the satellite section and a Jaton AV5140 on the woofers.  I was biamping with the Jaton but wanted a bit more detail and transparency.  The Audiozone is better than the Jaton in this regard but still falls rather short of the standard set by the JAS  and also runs out of power occasionally and sounds just awful when it clips.  I have an Audio Alchemy DPA 1 and had the Wyred4Sound ST-500 when it first came out and neither are what I'm looking for in my main system.  The AA amp is better but still a far cry from the sonics of the SET JAS.  Do any of the Class D amps truly approach SET sonics?    I'm considering the Gamut D200 mk iii as well though these are hard to find.   Are there any Class D amps I should look in to?  I really need to keep it at $3000 or less and probably around $2000.  Please make recommendations based on actual experience, that is only on amps you've actually heard.  Thanks!
I am an importer for a company that produces wonderful SETs and my speakers that I make use Eton drivers. 

In your price range, your best option for a power amp will be the Rogue Hydra but you will need to roll in different tubes.  I would suggest hunting down some NOS Mullard Longplates.  It is not going to sound like a SET but at least it will sound like a tube amp. 

You should be able to fine a used Hydra in the $1500 to $2200 range depending on condition, private sale vs. used dealer, etc...  I personally still own a Hydra and it is a very good sounding amp.  New it will list for $3K.  

Although I am a dealer, I have no affiliation with Rogue.  
“Do any of the Class D amps truly approach SET sonics?”
Well that’s a wishful thinking :-)

The two brands that are very close to SET sonics are Pass Labs and Accuphase, both amps I’ve listened were Class A. For $3K budget, keep your eyes peeled for used bargain like this one,

For class D, check out Audion Monoblocks from AGD,

I’ve heard the AGD Vivace GaNTube™ monoblocks driving the the Sigma Acoustics MAAT Vector XAC speakers, best class D sound but still nowhere near the SET magic.

Good luck with your search!
And despite the modest power rating, this amp had startling dynamics.
Because the ear uses higher ordered harmonics to sense sound pressure, and because this amp was really being pushed to hard to drive this speaker, higher ordered harmonics were showing up on the transients where the power is. IOW, it was distortion masquerading as 'dynamics'.

The mark of a good system is that it does not sound loud even when it is. This will be because distortion is controlled.

SETs make a particular type of distortion known mathematically as a Quadratic Non-linearity. This results in the primary distortion component being the 2nd harmonic followed closely by the 3rd. This gives you a rich sound, but again its due to distortion. The only class D amps that make that kind of distortion are zero feedback designs. You'll have to ask if they have a quadratic non-linearity; if they don't know what you're talking about don't buy the amp even if you don't know what that is either :)

Amps that make a 3rd harmonic might be interesting to you. The ear treats the 3rd the same as the 2nd, but amps that make the 3rd harmonic as the primary distortion component tend to be overall lower distortion. If you want the musicians to sound real this is a better way to go. Such an amp will still have some romance- it won't be dry.

Have you considered other tube amplifiers?

The best-sound class D right now (pending a few anticipated future releases) are likely going to be the AGD, already mentioned above, and the LKV Veros.  Both of which are well outside your price range.

SS: along with Pass and Accuphase, I'd add Sugden.