Gerry Rafferty dies

I'm saddened to hear of of his death at the young age of 63. He was a supremely talented singer/songwriter/musician who suffered and died from progressive alcoholism which plagued him during his lifetime.
Why shouldnt they say how he died? If it was a car accident people would like to know it wasnt expected. If it was cancer, it could lead to raised money towards a cure, for his death it could be a cautionary tale.
Facts are facts, as long as its not too graphic its all part of the record.
Not reporting cause of death in today's media rich society would be the equivalent of hiding one's head in the sand. Anyone can research a person's life to the nth degree via the internet, notwithstanding accuracies of reporting. One doesn't need the gory details but to state the cause of death is part and parcel of obituary writing.
I really like Gerry Rafferty's music and yet, his untimely death to alcoholism is yet another example which I can reference when discussing with my children the seriousness and all-too-real dangers associated with alcohol and drugs.

I still have trouble coming to terms with the death of my own friends due to alcoholism. Reporting the facts may just send a strong enough message to people on the edge.

It's a damn shame anyway you look at it.

I agree tell people how they died. Especially when it related to substance abuse. Maybe one just person will wake up and get control of their life. Maybe just maybe.
That in itself should warrant disclosure.
We will always disagree on something to quote "clowns to the left of me jokers to my right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you".
Not that long ago people would not speak openly of cancer. Alcoholism is a medical disease not a character flaw. I've read nothing in the press, British or otherwise that I would consider disrespectful to Mr. Rafferty.
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