Gerry Rafferty dies

I'm saddened to hear of of his death at the young age of 63. He was a supremely talented singer/songwriter/musician who suffered and died from progressive alcoholism which plagued him during his lifetime.
What a bunch of babbling bullshit. I admit, I read it and now I'm have a lot of second thoughts myself. If some people only knew ................
Gerry Rafferty was buried just under a fortnight ago in his home town of
Paisley, where I work.

He was a real talent as a musician and producer but it would seem he did not
have the personality to sustain success...although of course you can argue
what that word means.
Talking to workmates who both saw him at his peak and knew him personally
in his youth remarked that he lacked the personality or charisma to become a
massive star.

Privately it seems to me the real tragedy of his life was the fact that he both
escaped the harsh upbringing of his childhood and at the same time repeated
some of the mistakes of his family's past.

One of the great things about music is that it both reflects and transcends the
life of the writer. It seems from the little that was known of Gerry Raffery that
he only truly came alive through his music and his music lives on....................
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