Getting good sound from MacBook via DAC.

Hello everyone,

I decided to go down the digital path and picked up a Bryston BDA-2.  I hooked up an Audioquest USB 2 cable from my MacBook to the BDA-2  to play music from my Itunes and it sounds awful.  What am I doing wrong?  I tried playing with the sampling rates thru the MacBooks Audio Midi set-up but no help there. it sounds compressed, over extended bass, lack of detail and soundstage, just plain awful.  

Ive been using the DAC with my Simaudio CD player with excellent results. I also have a WADIA 177 hooked thru the DAC for my IPod which sounds surprising good. I like the idea of using the MacBook and was thinking about getting a dedicated Mac Mini for music files.  
I have a Bryston BDA 2 and using an iPad, I stream music from iTunes onto a Sonos device and it sounds superb. I also stream Tidal music via a Bryston media player that you can download and play directly through the BDA2


MacBook Pro ------> JRiver Media Center ----->TOSLINK from audio out connector -----------------> CHORD Qute EX DAC -------> Audio Research Ref 6 ------> Audio Research Ref 610T"s ---------> Wilson MAXX II's 

I also have an analog front end with a Bergman Turntable and AR phono preamp.  The digital side of my system is VERY good and I do know how it sounds compared to an extremely good analog system on identical recordings.

I do have high quality interconnects as well.  So,  I am in agreement that a computer based digital system can sound great.


When some of you reference ’losing’ iTunes, does ’Roon’ fit the bill instead of JRiver Etc.?

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