Getting mold or mildew off old record jackets

How do I get light mold/mildew off record jackets without damaging them? The records are NM and the jackets would be if not for the mold/mildew.

Bill E.

Showing 5 responses by rwwear

A mold solution of bleach. Mix it with water and only use a damp cloth. Test first on a small area that will not show much. If it doesn't work make the solution a little stronger.
Water will not kill mildew and will even help it grow. It may look like the mildew is gone but it will more than likely come back. Lysol may work but not as well as bleach. I'm not saying that it can't damage the jacket but if you are careful it shouldn't. Start with a mild solution in an inconspicuous spot. A white area is a good place to start and only dampen the area. Do not saturate it.
Since I suggested using bleach(clorine)for cleaning record jackets, I thought I should try it myself. So I took two old record jackets that were well worn and sprayed them both with the same water and bleach solution that I use to clean the bathroom. I don't recommend spraying them like I did but I wanted to really see what would happen. I sprayed a glossy jacket first and wiped it off with toilet paper then I did the same with a porous jacket. As a matter of fact, the white parts of the porous jacket that had yellowed over the years looks much whiter now and it did not affect the red and black ink. Remember ink is not the same as the dye in clothes.
Don't forget, most of us drink and bathe in this stuff everyday.
I have tried this before and it works. I have just never tried it in such a high concentration. And just to make sure I poured bleach right out of the bottle on the same jacket that I cleaned yesterday and it only made it look better. I don't recommend doing this but it did not harm the jacket or ink. If you use water only it will not get rid of the moldy smell and if you rub a porous record jacket(elbow grease)that is wet it will damage it. This may not be as true of glossy jackets to the same extint. And I repeat the ink did not fade at all. Even the label on the bleach bottle has not faded after much bleach has run down the sides. Don't rub the jacket, blot it.

If you only use H2o to wash your clothes, take a shower and wash your hair, I'm glad I don't have to be around you.

I am not in the business of selling bleach. I'm in the audio business and I am given lots of record collections. Not all of them are pristeen. If you don't beleive me, I don't care.