Dear Lew, I read each day something or other so asking me (at my age)
where I have read this or that is easy to ask but difficult to answer. I
assume that the answer like ''somewhere'' will no do? Anyway all Urushi's
have wooden body but different paintings. However Japanese paintings
are ''inscrutable'' to us in the West in the same way as the Japanese
other ''snake oils'' are (grin).
But their own ''explanation'' is that each painting produce slightly different timbre. One of those Urushi's is pretty expensive so to compare them
imply at least two. which only the rich among us can afford.
In contradiction to my (single) Urushi I own two FR-64 + Ikeda 345.
I use the silver wired FR-64 s with all my MC carts. I sold my Triplanar
and use Sumiko 800 (''the arm'') instead.on my Kuzma. I still own many
MM or MI kinds.
As ''some Aussie '' I don't care about ''arm mass'' prescriptions. My FR-64
suits them all but I do use different heashells.. The (heavy) Orsonic AV
101 is my favourite. The Arche is for the Archon..