Getting the Upgrade Bug Again

I just listened to some CJ gear this weekend. It was the ET3 SE pre-amp coupled with the Classic 60 SE amp. Not that I am unhappy with my current integrated amp, but clearly this is a step upwards.

I want to stay with tubes and would prefer to purchase new gear. So is there anything else I should listen to that is in the same price range of the CJ gear, which is $9,500.
Ag insider logo xs@2xgreginnh
Thanks for the suggestions! Keep them coming. I will be trying Totem Element Earth and Reference 3A Grand Veena BE's on home trial basis next week.
So far it seems like this post has been all about equipment and no mention of sound. I think you'll get much better advice if you tell us what sound characteristics are important to you and what you're looking to improve. Otherwise we're just flying blind here. Also, now that you're focused on speakers, you might want to create a post under Speakers if you haven't already.
Siox - yes, this thread has "morphed" into a speaker-related one. It certainly wasn't by design!
FWIW, I agree with Roscoeiii. You are doing things backwards. But the journey is half the fun, so enjoy the experience.