This isn't Mr Deiselr it is Mrs Deiselr. I just happen to have some free time to spend on the computer because Mr Deiselr is in front of OUR system giving our 6 month old, Baby Deiselr his last bottle and it is a beautiful thing. The pursuit of wonderful, fulfilling, enriching music (because that is what the system provides) is a worthy endeavor. When system purchases are desired to be made in our household it is certinially not at the expense of the mortage and I do admit that even at a "good" time I sometimes have a bit of buyers remorse. Anyway, I guess my point is that one partner shouldn't be deceiving the other (there is no excuse for that) and this nice girl who has a problem with how much her significant other spends may want to count how many pairs of shoes she has, or how many make up counter $14 lipsticks she has. Smaller price tags but same principal. By-the-way, the last comment from Gregm......I bet you don't have a women around long enough to keep them away from his equpiment (stereo equipment that is)