Glanz moving magnet cartridges


I have just acquired an old Glanz G5 moving magnet cartridge. However, I cannot find out any details about this or the Glanz range or, even the company and its history.

Can anyone out there assist me in starting to piece together a full picture?

Any experiences with this or other Glanz's; web links; set up information etc would be warmly received. Surely someone knows something!

Thanks in hope
Sorry for the delayed response guys but I have been in a terrible sad state since Nandric reminded me that I have no friends, only turntables to keep me company. I now wonder if my dog likes me...I thought she did but, who knows.

One thing is for sure, the MFG 61 is designed to be the top MF cart and the MFG 51E is the cart with training wheels. The MFG 31 series are the mid level carts. I will say a MFG 31L will embarrass some of the flavors of the week from the other thread. It is quite good. The 51E's cantilever reminds me of Hillary Clinton's cankles. That is thick! Dgob found a statement that said the MFG 61 has a hollow boron cantilever. Maybe some do but mine has solid boron cantilever with the end ground to an angle parallel to the LP surface. The stylus body is maroon/dark red in color. Body is silver. I have had mine for some time and it was new in the box with the original paperwork. It is a wonderful sounding cart. Maybe someday I can compare it to a G7. That would be interesting don't you think?

Bummer about the MFG 61 box Nandric.
Hi Vetterone,

"It [the MFG 61] is a wonderful sounding cart. Maybe someday I can compare it to a G7. That would be interesting don't you think?"

I will glady supply my contact details if you fancy sending yours on a short journey!

As always...
Dear Vetterone, I am really sorry to have caused such a
dramatic impact. I am sure that your dog will love you provided you feed him well. The problem is, if it is a problem, that the Balkanes like to tease each other.This
is our way to show whom we like. Strange perhaps but true.
BTW I would never risk a possible complain by Vidmantas.

Kind regards,
Vetterone- You think you got troubles, consider the composer of the classic blues tune:
"Nobody Loves Me But My Momma and She Could Be Jivin' Too."
That could be a country & western song. The difference between C&W and blues songs? Blues tend to make you feel better, C&W will drive you to drink.

Now to get this back on track, compared the MFG 31E to the 31L the last two nights. Have to say the 31E does not have the detail or the speed of the 31L but it does have a seduction to the music that will make most listeners smile.
As nice as both 31'a are, the 61 is in another league.