Glanz moving magnet cartridges


I have just acquired an old Glanz G5 moving magnet cartridge. However, I cannot find out any details about this or the Glanz range or, even the company and its history.

Can anyone out there assist me in starting to piece together a full picture?

Any experiences with this or other Glanz's; web links; set up information etc would be warmly received. Surely someone knows something!

Thanks in hope
Dear Dgob: That was in 2009, we all have the right to learn to grow up. I'm not married with any audio subject, as the life in audio " things " change and change when we give us the opportunity to learn the opportunity to think in a different way.

Again, in a vintage integrated cartridge the " aquila's heel " is precisely those vintage old internal wires/connectors and of course the non-flexibility to make the best cartridge set-up for the cartridge could shows us at its best.

There are other " inconvenients " in a vintage cartridges but are not the subject here.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Dgob: Please do it your self a favor: don't be sticky with me on this subject.

It can't help you and it can't help to any one looking this thread.

Whom cares What I thinked on an audio subject 3 years ago or 7-10 years ago, makes no sense to me your post other that try to show that I'm " wrong ".

Dgob, if that makes you happy then I can accept I'm wrong. So what? what difference does that makes against my today opinion in that subject?

Please forget about me and like till today enjoy your cartridge as many other integrated cartridges proponents are doing it.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Hi Raul,

I was only sticking on a point that recurred and I am of course pleased that you accept the possiblity of being wrong (although I am not really sure that I believe it is as simple as being right or wrong when it comes to aesthetic judgements!). I have shared and will no doubt share that position again.

My interest here is only with a piece of equipment, which my auditioning leads me to believe is an excellent performer. Personalities are not an issue. Honestly.

As always...
Dear Dgob: +++++ " to aesthetic judgements ... " ++++

you are absolutely wrong with me. I posted several times even for some time in my Agon virtual system I writed: " I don't care about aesthetic but about quality performance, nothing less and nothing more. ".

Aesthetics is not the trouble it is only that your common sense is way different from mine. My whole audio experiences through the years is way different from you and seems to me, for your post where you take your time to revise the longest thread on Agon only to find out how to show other people that 3 years ago I had a different point of view, that you have a " problem " of personality with me.

Please forget about me on this subject: forgeret what I think about.
Why do you care so much about, so much that you take a lot of time to find out what I posted 3 YEARS AGO ?, my God!!!

Certainly IMHO you are not helping any one with your attitude and even I think you could make a " damage " to your self, don't do it: it is not worth to do it !!!!!

Regards and enjoy the music,
Hi Raul,

Am I missing something or did I start this thread (with a clearly announced focus and purpose) and you then select to contribute opinions herer that I cannot appreciate?

Either way, let's keep it to the cartridges under discussion!

As always...