GMA Callisto VS. Merlin TSM

As the title says, only if you have had listened both!
What are ups and downs? And the winner for you is?
Wasn't the criteria of this thread was ONLY if you have heard both speakers?

I have only heard the Merlin TSM's and I must say, they will probably be my next pair of speakers..

My previous post disappeared from this thread. My guess is that when I mentioned marketing technics, someone was offended. The true audio enthusiast will seek out the best speakers they can afford, whether it takes travel to find them, if you want the best, you will go. I did this in October, 2004 and heard many very good speakers, including the Merlins, but when I heard the GMA Callisto, I knew they were special and purchased a pair. They are still special. The Merlin's may be special to you. The point is to go LISTEN. I was sure when I started my search, I would come home with one of the big name brands. Listen for yourself and your search may be over.
hi elsneb,
i saw your post and replied to it. my guess is that the moderator removed them both because he/she felt we were going off topic.
when someone says negative things about a product that they have never heard and i stick up for the customer and the product, that is not marketing. it is my right to defend the wrong.
never forget that minsoo said he likes the tsm and that he was offended by this.
now, who was doing the marketing?
as i have said hundreds of times before, my speakers aren't for everyone.
and by all means, enjoy your gmas, elsneb.
bobby at merlin
Just a comment on the last half of this thread so far...

When comparison shopping for a great new piece of audio equipment, you know it when you hear it. Sometimes, it's siren song can make you leap even if your pockets aren't fully ready to catch you :) That said, it seem after a few post in, that Minbean was probably smitten with the Merlins. Other than report our individual experiences with a given pproduct, who are we to say what will tickle his fancy (did I say that)? Although some may describe us as the "GMA cult", we don't want to seem to exhort our favorite speakers with relentless, "Jehovah Witness" vigor. It's, just as the Witness', we found a good thing and want everyone to know about it!!!

Enjoy, whatever your purchase, Minbean.

R.Smith, GMA Callisto owner.