Go analog or upgrade digital
I have put my system together with the plan of adding a turntable and an audiophile computer based source eventually. I am about ready to audition turntables and can muster about 5K for an analog setup, have had my eye on the WTL Amadeus. My system components Ayon CD2, Shindo Auriegis MM, Genesis M60 monoblocs, Genesis 7.1c speakers and S4/8 sub.
Some reviews and posts have opined that very good digital AyonCD2 or high end the CD5 compares very well with analog. With my system and budget of 5K for a complete analog set up do you think I will be able to obtain better sound than the CD2? Another option sell the CD2 and the Shindo and purchase an Ayon CD5
and forgo analog. ( I think my head is going to explode)