So Unsound, I think I now understand you. Given roughly $15,000, the XA100.5 has less control at the upper and lower frequency extremes than does the X600.5? I was not aware of that.
French_fries, I agree there certainly is a reason for having the two different lines. Both sell well, so people must prefer one over the other. Besides the power rating in Class A, I have not read a description of how they really differ sonically. I had always assumed that an XA160.5 could drive any speaker as well as an X600.5 can, it just is biased more for Class A. Perhaps someone with more experience than me directly comparing these amps can clarify this. I've never had an X or X.5 series in my system.
Regarding the Aleph series versus the XA.5 series: I have owned a few models in each line. The most similarly rated amps that I have owned are the Aleph 2 and XA100.5, both rated class A for 100 watts and both mono blocks. I used each with the Eggleston Rosa speakers (87dB, 5-6 ohm). The XA100.5 was much better in my system. More effortless, lower distortion, quieter, more control over the lower frequencies, better soundstaging. No comparison really. I much prefer the XA.5 in my system. But as I say, I've never tried the X.5 series.