Gold Note IS - 1000 integrated amp

I am interested in the Gold Note IS - 1000 integrated amp but it is above my budget of $3,000.  Is the Gold Note worth it's $5,000 price tag?  It has a very fine DAC, phone pre-amp, and streamer.  Are there any comparable integrated amps that may be less expensive?  If it is a great buy I may have to stretch the budget.  If there is a review available I would be interested in reading it.
Thank -You
I just acquired one. Most recent amps in my system have been Devialet 220 Expert Pro, LFD LE V+ with PS Audio DSD Dac, Exposure 3010S2D with PS Audio DSD DAC, Rogue M180 with Audio Alchemy DDP-1, and a few others at this generally $5-11k system price range. Current speakers are Spendor A4, Rega P6/Ania is main source, and Heed Quasar is my standalone phono pre.
The Gold Note is beautiful in operation and sound; it is staying. Key characteristics are extremely palpable presence, sensational midband detail and dense tonal richness, gobs of power, full if slightly rounded bass, warmth, silky and very refined treble, remarkable prat, wonderfully immersive and coherent soundstage in all areas but depth, very natural transient response, pitch black backdrop and a tube-like inner glow, and just tremendous musical cogency. The built-in DAC is extremely well-executed with a kind of MM-like warmth and richness. Phono is very quiet and hugely dynamic, but did not suit my Rega Ania (which likes 100 rather than 470 ohm MC settings); based on the PH-10, it would definitely be better than many, many stand-alones if your cartridge matches; the gain is about 65 and the SNR is competitive with many high-end phono stages. Tons of inputs. Streaming covers just about everything including MQA, Roon, Qobuz, Airplay, etc. 
It's a keeper that balances the best of tube and solid-state qualities with no evident drawbacks. Also, in terms of looks: it has tremendous gravity and presence with very high-quality casework. 
     Thank you for your detailed response.  A dealer in the area is changing over his audio equipment and has much of his current equipment on sale.  This includes the Hegel H80 and the Hegel H160 ($2450), along with a Primera integrated.  He displayed the Gold Note system at Axpona and spoke highly of the Gold Note IS 1000.  I wasn't sure if it was worth the stretch. After your review it just may be.
      My house system includes Sonos equipment; Connect Amp, Playbar, Subwoofer, and Play 5 (Generation 1).  The system that I enjoy listentng to music on, located in another part of the house, is the Connect Amp, PBS Image T5 Speakers, Sunfire subwoofer, and Rega RP1 turntable w/Ortofon Blue cartiridge (recently purchased on Audiogon).  I will be replacing the Connect amp and the speakers.  I also have an older CD player, called a Kyocera.  
     As you can tell this is not some high end system, but I have an opportunity to greatly improve the sound of MY listening area and would like to get the best bang for the buck. I would like to spend about $2000 on the speakers. The sound needs to be clear, with crisp highs and a strong base that is not boomy.  Hopefully a warm clear sound.  Hope this makes sense.
     I'm very interested in suggestions and opinions.  I understand this will be a process and although I have enjoyed the sound of all types of music for a long time, I now have an opportunity to make a step forward. 
Thank you  
Really pleased my experience with the amp contributes to your consideration. I've never had a Gold Note product before and have been truly impressed.
It produces a very physical, thick wall-of-sound like presentation with a warm, tube-like inner glow and very smooth treble with exemplary detail retrieval that leaves me wanting for nothing in my setup. With your Ortofon Blue, I feel it will work wonders while retaining complete network functionality as well.
Given its power ratings, it would drive any reasonable speaker with great control, including those with 4ohm sensitivities. My favorite speakers in the 2k range that produce a warm clear sound that can be found on Audiogon at the moment are the Dynaudio X34s floor standers; you can also get a pair of Silverline Minuet Grand standmounts  at less than 2k new on Audiogon as well; they are neutral but very forgiving, and in my opinion the best balanced, most complete, and most musically satisfying monitor speaker at their price. 
Hope these suggestions are of some use.
P.S. Forgive me and do disregard my Dynaudio X34 recommendation; I have heard them in warmer systems (with warm amps - NAD M3, and NAD c390dd), but I think they might generally be a smidge lean of neutral left to their own devices.
I have had home-auditioned the Focus 260s and 160s, both of which are warm and clear, and the 160s are a truly great pick of your room is not overly large and would likely match amazingly with the Gold Note; the 260s are fabulous but a bit more expensive than your price range. 
Another pick at 2k (new) would be the Spendor A2, which I auditioned next to my A4 and is also definitely on the clear and sumptuous side. You can get a pair for around 2k, and they are stellar. There's a very telling Hi-fi Choice review that suggests that these might be what you're looking for.
Ultimately, with the IS-1000, most neutral speakers will suit you, and so much depends on just room size and availability; it's that good. To recap: Silverline Minuet Grand, Dynaudio Focus 160, Spendor A2, should all suit your needs.
@transience - thank you for your excellent review on the GN IS-1000. It is an intriguing product, especially given my wonderful experience with their Mediteraneo TT with Donatello Gold cart with PH-10 phono stage. Put simply, they are wonderful products and I will give serious consideration to all GN products from now on. I'd imagine an all Gold Note system would be something to behold.