Good 8' speaker cables under 200.00

I own a pair of Thiel CS 3.6 speakers (I like these), NAD 218THX amp (powerful but limited), Denon 3801 receiver/pre (junk but cool for DTS movies), and a denon dcd 2560 cd player (fair but outclassed badly by todays offerings), Tara labs RSC Prime Gen2 interconnects (I like these just fine even though they are not the best).

I will eventually replace the preamp, CD player, and then the AMP and the yet to be bought $200 speaker cables.

This week I just need to get rid of the current total junk speaker cables (bad monster low end) and get something around (just under) $200.00 to tide me over until the money appears to do things correctly.

My local dealer caries Tara Labs and I was considering buying a pair of RSC Prime 500. They seem to sound ok and are about $180 for a pair of 8' new.

Before I take the plunge I thought I should see what other people think is good for this application and price range.

Thanks for the feedback,

Montana Rane

Showing 1 response by sek

I like my $90 8-foot pair of DH-Labs T-14 as well as $400+ Cardas. You don't always get better cable for more money.