All your inputs are helpful and on the money. After a little more due diligence, I also see that the SDS is likely unnecessary with the new Classic. A fair amount of my record collection is aged nicely (like me!), so the periphery weight seems like a good first step.
The Soundsmith Zephyr looks like a good place to start as a cartridge.
The 3D arm is definitley pricey, but may be worth the price. What are the improvements/differences you hear with it?
I recently sold my extra EdenSound BearPaws, but think that a wall mounted myrtlewood shelf will provide good isolation....
The Soundsmith Zephyr looks like a good place to start as a cartridge.
The 3D arm is definitley pricey, but may be worth the price. What are the improvements/differences you hear with it?
I recently sold my extra EdenSound BearPaws, but think that a wall mounted myrtlewood shelf will provide good isolation....