Good CD Player under $800.00 used

Hello, I have been using a CAL Icon mk2 with powerboss hdcd for about 10 years. Sounded so good I never thought about upgrading until now. Upgrading to a diff amp soon as well. Anyway what are some of the best candidates under about $800.00 used? Thanks
I must say I am a reluctant to sell it, but its time for an upgrade. I've been out of the audio game for several years so I appreciate all the help. Can Someone chime in on what I should list the cal player for? it has the powerboss. Thanks
You might find a JAS Musik 1.2 at the top of your price range.It is one of my favorite players at any price!!!
03-27-11: Aaronmadler writes:
At $909 at CDW, I'm closing in on your price.
That's a heck of a price. I paid $1500 from Crutchfield about 2 years ago and have no complaints. Double-boxed and great shipping. But still ... that CDW price!

It's a wonderful player. Ziggyt, open the piggy bank. Find another $100, go on a fast. ;-)

How did you know I needed to lose wieght? I was thinking of listing the cal player for $350.00 Sound fair?
AH! Njoe Tjoeb 4000?

You can find 'em for $650 or less in excellent condition with extras.

I've no complaints with mine.

