Good CDP with digital input/DAC capable

I am in need of a good cdp that I can feed a digital signal through for DAC. I am using a computer based audio collection with coax output for which I would like to improve the signal. I think Wadia does this, any others?
The Mark Levinson 390s accepts digital input and outputs an analog signal. It can switch between this digital input and its internal CD player. It also has an analog volume control, so you can connect it directly into your basic amp without using a preamp.
The Quad 99 CDP and 99 CDP2 have six digital inputs. The Resolution Audio Opus 21 also has a digital inut. Both of the above also have built-in volume control so you can connect them directly to a power amp without the need for a preamp.
One of the best bangs for your buck is to find a used Theta Basic.
Look here and on eBay. There were a few models (ie, Basic 1,2,3).
I have an awesome sounding player dac from Tube Technology with a digital input via BNC or optical. You can get a BNC coax adapter so that it will work with your coax output. It's an awesome player with the same dac section as the Chord DAC64 and a tubed output. They don't come up often so if you see one jump, like I did! I doubt you'll regret it, there's a review in HiFi+ magazine if you can track a copy down. Happy listening!