good DAC under $1000

I have never used a DAC before. I always had CD players. I am looking for a DAC to run the optical output from a Blue Ray player and USB from my computer to. Any suggestions for a decent DAC in this price range?
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I came across the Valab DAC and for the price it is worth a try. It has the inputs I need and if it is not for me I am not out a lot of cash. Thanks for all your comments.
I just got a Tdac and all I can say is that you owe it to yourself to try it. It is that good. I had a Benchmark and sold it for the original TADAC.
The Benchmark is very detailed and accurate, but is a little dry and sterile. The TADAC is all that the Benchmark is, but adds life to the music.I recently tried the TDAC and it is like a high definition version of the original TADAC. It is more detailed and has a better soundstage. The dynamics have improved as well. Everything sounds more real.
I am very happy with this purchase.
I have the TADAC version with tubiness and volume controls with Tele smoothplates (also have tried french mazdas). The controls make the unit sound very different depending on your tastes. There is a delicate balance between the two controls to maximize the sound. Wondering where other users have positioned the levels?