Good integrated match for B&W CDM 1 NT

Looking for a short list of integrated amps that match well with my CDM 1NT's. I am using an Onkyo TX-NR807 I inherited, great specs, but listening fatigue. I appreciate any help that is out there, I believe that "bright" is the correct term for my displeasure. Am I looking in the wrong direction? Is there a better option? Using a Technics DVD-A10 as the source, monster interconnects, 16 gauge speaker wire. Limited budget!

Thanks for your input.
If your funds are limited, I would go with something that has a passive line stage. Cheap active line stages are almost always bright. A Creek 5350SE would be a very good choice. If you are willing to go with 2 separate pieces, I would recommend getting a standalone passive LS and a power amp; instead of an integrated. You have more choices that way.
Thanks for taking your time to respond!

First, I'm uncertain as to what a line stage is, passive or active. Is my Onkyo active? How can I tell? Also, is this something listed in the specs by most equipment manufacturers? Is passive a better match for my speakers and what should I be looking for as a minimum power rating.

My budget is about $1000.