Warren, I should have gone into more details. My bad.
"I'd say", because there is no way for me to try with the cords you have. Hydra2 conditioner I use requires 20a IEC power cord to connect it to the wall. Rest of my equipment uses 15a power cords. Besides, based on Shunyata's recommendation(I contacted them once with the same question you are asking here), they suggest using the best pc from conditioner to the wall. I did notice an improvement though when I switched from Shunyata Diamondback to VH Flavor 4 cord from Hydra2 to the wall. All other cords stayed the same. Since you got another brand line cond, why don't you contact the manufacturer. It is your best bet. I just gave you my opinion. If you can try and experiment with the cords you got, then you should be easily able to determine what works better for YOU in YOUR system. After all, you were able to tell that one of the cords is a "killer", so it should be easy for you to find out the best placement for it. Let us know. It would also be beneficial if you react a little differently to the responses posted to your question. Try to keep your composure. Be little more reasonable. People are trying to provide an advise and you're being little rough on your appreciation here, if there's any, I'm not that sure.
"I'd say", because there is no way for me to try with the cords you have. Hydra2 conditioner I use requires 20a IEC power cord to connect it to the wall. Rest of my equipment uses 15a power cords. Besides, based on Shunyata's recommendation(I contacted them once with the same question you are asking here), they suggest using the best pc from conditioner to the wall. I did notice an improvement though when I switched from Shunyata Diamondback to VH Flavor 4 cord from Hydra2 to the wall. All other cords stayed the same. Since you got another brand line cond, why don't you contact the manufacturer. It is your best bet. I just gave you my opinion. If you can try and experiment with the cords you got, then you should be easily able to determine what works better for YOU in YOUR system. After all, you were able to tell that one of the cords is a "killer", so it should be easy for you to find out the best placement for it. Let us know. It would also be beneficial if you react a little differently to the responses posted to your question. Try to keep your composure. Be little more reasonable. People are trying to provide an advise and you're being little rough on your appreciation here, if there's any, I'm not that sure.