mike, I owned Duntech Princess speakers for 19 years. Over that time I tried several amps, tube and SS. The best match which I ended up with was a pair of JC-1s. Duntechs have not been imported to the US for many years but the hint from those were their Dynaudio woofers and tweeters. Current Dynaudio could be candidates.
As others suggested, the JC-1s will drive almost any speakers, so they are not the limiting factor. Instead I would look for the speaker model which most appealed to me and go with that.
One caution with that suggestion. A later speaker I ended up with was the Janszen zA2.1 (currently the Valentina P8). They never sounded better with any other amp, but were recommended not to exceed 200 wpc while the JC-1 is rated at 800 wpc into 4 ohms. I never had a problem but was always cautious about the combination. With a different system I blew out the woofers with an accidental DC pulse so that made me more careful. So I would look for speakers that can accept the power of the Parasounds.