Good speakers to be placed close to rear wall

I recently had to sell my genesis speakers. Soon, I will be able to buy new speakers (I hope very soon). Which speakers to buy? Because I have young children, I have to keep my speakers relatively close to the rear wall. Can anyone please recommend a good speakers given that limitation? My budget will be 3-5 k. Thank you in advance.
That Harbeth recommendation is a good one. It also depends on the wall. My front Ported Harbeth C7es3's are 1.5 feet from an insulated interior wall. I did this myself and it mad a huge difference. If I had the money, I'd build a home with fully insulated walls, especially after my buddy Bimfy brought his girlfriend to the cottage way back when and ......
Thanks to all these responses...especially Donjr who added some much needed ribald levity.
Most speakers with front ports are going to work better against a wall, although if they're designed with more emphasis on bass frequencies they're still gonna boom.