Good Tube amp to drive B&W Matrix 801's

Looking to try a tube amp with my B&W Matrix 801 speakers.
I believe "tube" watts are more than "solid state watts".
This would be my first venture into tubes so I'm looking
for suggestions. Integrated tube amp is not out of the question. Is there a conversion factor for tube watts vs sold state watts?
Thanks to all in advance
As above, you'll need extremely high energy amps to do the job well -- tube or ss. As noted above, you'll be easier off with a transistor than a tube -- if only considering the cost of tube watts.
Is there a conversion factor for tube watts vs sold state watts
The conversion rate is, well, 1:1, i.e. when your tube amp manufacturer quotes 50W, he/she means 50W.
Don't confuse the sonic qualities with the energy ratings -- nor the spkr ->amp interface characteristics with the electrical properties:)
There are reasons why we perceive some tube amps as being "louder" than some equivalent output SS amps -- but the "conversion" rate isn't one of them! Cheers
I used Jadis JA30's on them and they were fantastic! I had no problem playing them at loud levels and they controlled the bass well. Everyone who heard this combination couldn't believe it. The quality of the amp is very important. I don't think most 30 watters would do the job.I use a MAC MC2000 on my Nautilus 801's and it is a very good combination.