Good tube amps to consider wit Spendor S5e

My system consists of Vishnu power cord, Benchmark DAC1, VTL 2.5 Pre, Bryston 3B ST Amp and Spendor S5e speakers. I would like to explore the benefits of upgrading to a tube amp.

I have looked into the Unison Research P30K, but have some reservations about it's compatability with the Spendors. I read that for Single Ended Triode amps I should stick to 93+ dB/1W/1m sensitivity and impedance of 8+ ohms nominal and no dips below 6 ohms minimum.

My Spendors are at 87 dB nominal, 8 ohms nominal and 4.4 ohms minimum.

Are there SET amps that would match well with my Spendors in the $2-3K price range.
Thanks for the response Dedicatedaudio. Is the vk-55 a single-ended triode amplifier?
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If your S5e's are anything close to my 1/2e's then you're going to need a bit more power based on the size of your listening room and your listening position. I was using a 50 watt tube amp that did a nice job with my speakers, but it wasn't until I went over the 100 watt threshold that I could really appreciate them. I own a Music Reference RM-9 100 watt (tested close to 120 watts on Roger Modjeski's bench when I took it over to have it upgraded to a MkII) amp and TRL D-225 225 watt solid state amp and both work nicely with my speakers. The Music Reference is below your price range used and worth checking out.
Maybe a VTL 150. Check out their website. VTL claims they are a good alternative to SET's. They sell used for about $2,200.
I think you'll be very unhappy trying to use an SET amp with 87 dB efficiency speakers.....if anything I'd be thinking about trying an even more powerful SS amp, not a less powerful tube amp.....or else just stick with the 3Bst.....