Grado Statement Series

I have recently purchased a Statement Sonata here on the 'Gon. I currently have Rega pre with only 36.5 dbs. of gain. My question: Can I use a step-up transformer to make up the differnce in gain? Or is new(used) pre-amp in my future? My knowledge is lacking and I have searched the archives to no avail.
Your approach certainly makes sense too, and either approach could be done for less than the cost of the Mu's. Lots of ways to skin this cat, or pull this cart if you prefer.

A 1:10 stepup shows a cartridge a load of 470 ohms, not 235, assuming normal MM phono stage resistance of 47K. I think you mis-read BentAudio's chart. Regardless, your question still remains valid: will this be appropriate for a Statement Sonata?

The load needed by a cartridge if feeding a transformer is quite different than if feeding a gain stage. The goal now is not to maximize voltage output but to maximize current output without over-impeding the cartridge. This requires a much lower load. For MC cartridges feeding a tranny s typical "ideal" load is about 3x the internal resistance of the cartridge. The Statement Sonata is listed as having a very low resistance, just 2 ohms. If it were an MC you'd start by loading it down to about 6 ohms and experiment by ear from there.

Whether this applies to a MI or MM Grado I don't know, and Grado doesn't specify a load for the cartridge if using a tranny. One should probably ask Grado before deciding to go the tranny route. Good point.
Well to clarify Busics2 my system is listed above;)-~, why else do we spend the time listing them? I do have a Denon receiver with MM Phono input. I do want some flexibility Dougdeacon with carts. I would like to eventually try the ZYX and other MC'c also. I saw the Statement on the auction boards and could not pass it up. Having used the Reference Platinum before, I thought this was the next step for me. I wanted to hear the difference b/w the two series of carts. Thanks Busics2 for the output info, I just looked at the Music Direct catalog today(for the millionith time) and found that same paragraph that Fatparrot wrote. I was not understanding about the "physics" of cartridge building (less wound cable=less load). I thought the load was the same, D'oh. I found the thread about transformers in the archives AFTER I posted. It seems it's b/w BentAudio or K&Kaudio for step ups. I do understand they are different internally. I was thinking of a DIY project, since both are offered in Kit form. Sheeeeeeet, I just bypassed the fuse in my Maggies I can handle a full blown project;)?! My budget is an issue, especially on 7.50/hr. Do they offer audio scholarships? Does anyone know how much the MU KIT (copper) is? If it's comparable to the price of the K&K I would go with the BentAudio. Sorry, 4yanx. I followed every thing up untill the last post from Dougdeacon about loading down the cart. I guess I do need to call Grado and just ask? I have thought of selling the Rega Fono and just using the phono stage in the Denon receiver with a step-up. I did a shoot out b/w the two and I couldn't hear a difference. Granted I can't play the cart right away but it will give me the incentive to save and upgrade a little at a time. Well until then I have a Goldring(that fits my current system Busics2;) to keep me spinning until the early morn'!
Well, Sid, the load on most transformers is set with resistors. This is also the case with active phono inputs. All that is required is the proper resistor. Probably some experimentation would be necessary for best sound.
Well i beleive I have changed my mind again. I will order a K&K audio step-up, considering budget constraints and the fact that the MU has shot leads. I will use the K&K with IC's straight to my Denon Receiver(for now). Whilst chaecking the Bentaudio site, I came across a record cleaner on the side bar. "Ultra sonic record cleaning system. Sounds cool but probably out of my income bracket. I will contact for more info.
John Chapman will make the Mu with longer than 7" leads at no extra charge. Mine are 18". Of course if it's beyond budget then that's academic. You might consider the kit, which saves about $100 and just requires a spot of soldering. Still alot more than the K&K of course. Don't forget to check with Grado on loading before ordering any tranny.

BentAudio's ultrasonic RCM is still in the prototype stage. I'm in the queue for a beta copy for testing, but no word yet on when it will arrive. John's been very busy in the last few months. You can be sure I'll post a review when it shows up. We're very hopeful it will be better than scrubbing with brushes. The price isn't set yet but it should be under $1K, possibly well under.