Graham tonearm tweaking

I have recently finished my Teres turntable project. I purchased a used Graham 2.0 for it, and installed my Clearaudio Discovery cartridge last weekend.

My question is, I have been reading the forums here regarding the damping levels on this arm. Could someone who has experience with this outline the method that they use to tweak the level to suit the cartridge? Please go into detail as to what you are listening for at each stage of the adjustments. Do you key in on the bass, or listen for treble?

I am looking forward to finetuning this arm and want to put in the effort needed to get it to its best sound.

Thanks guys, Brad.
Dear Sirspeedy,
The Jets have had a good current run, but they did spend an inordinate amount of time on the short end of the stick a while back as I recall.
Based on the behavior of the Miami/South Florida Jets fans, I would not be so quick if I were you to be associated with the Neanderthal Jet Fans down here (I apologize to all Neanderthals since equating Miami based Jet fans to Neanderthal is an insult to all Neanderthals). I am quite shocked to find out that there is such a thing as a Jet Fan /Audiophile in existence (you must be rare enough to be a collectors item). I thought that being a Jet Fan and being an audiophile would mutually exclusive, but God Bless your pointed little head.
Doug was not being argumentative, he was just trying to be specific and helpful. Doug does not live in Florida and not a Dolphin (nor Jet) fan. You can focus your Jet bravado singularly towards me. I just love the abuse.
All the above is said in jest, except my apology to the Neandrethals for which I was being sincere.
Warmest Regards,
There was only one other cartridge that was used besides the UNIverse in the January get together. I could not remember it and that is why I did not mention it in my previous post. It was quite a good cartridge, but the UNIverse was superior.
I will make a call and get its name and post it here.
The ZYX UNIverse cartridge is a superb cartridge. It has detail without edginess; it has extraordinary resolution, tonal balance and the ability to place instruments in an orchestra right where they should be. Listening to acoustic music and vocalists on it is just sheer pleasure.

I run this on a Tri-Planar VII arm mounted on a Kuzma Stabi Reference TT. The electronics are VAC Renaissance Signature Mk II preamp and VAC Renaissance Signature 70/70 Amp, which drives a pair of Verity Audio Lohengrin speakers in a reasonably large room.

If you have very good components, I think the UNIverse will simply astound you.
I hated the 3 Jet games that I took my son to last year.Fans urinating in the garbage cans of the men's room.Fans "CONSTANTLY" getting up,in the middle of the action,for beer.I now stay home in my warm PJ's instead of freezing my ass off.I love the team,but was not wild about the fans either.

I did not take DOUG's comments as argumentative.He seems to be quite knowledgeable and was voicing an opinion.He also seems to be quite an engaging fellow,with a sense of humor.

Raul,also voices his opinions,and has knowledge of much in this hobby,as well.I could never understand why some are so mean spirited towards him.So what if someone doesn't agree with a comment!I don't agree with everything I read here,but everyone has their own perspective.In the case of Raul,I get the impression that he really LOVES to stay on top of these threads and gets into trouble sometimes because of innocent enthusiasm.

I have a problem keeping my own inner feelings to myself,regarding the "MANY" ego driven,selfish,full of "CRAP" types that I have met over the years.The problem belongs to me only,and I should,will, just "SHUT UP" from now on.I am nobody to judge anyone's motives,as long as they don't intrude upon me!!
Vac man,could you,please list the cartridges that you have previously owned.Thanks.This will be very useful to me as I am currently recommending the UNIV. to a VERY sceptical,and suspicious of "THE LATEST BREAKTHROUGH PRODUCT" friend.

He has been around the block too many times to get too excited about the numerous breakthroughs this hobby spews out regularly.I myself believe this cartridge to,probably,be the real deal!!