Graham tonearm tweaking

I have recently finished my Teres turntable project. I purchased a used Graham 2.0 for it, and installed my Clearaudio Discovery cartridge last weekend.

My question is, I have been reading the forums here regarding the damping levels on this arm. Could someone who has experience with this outline the method that they use to tweak the level to suit the cartridge? Please go into detail as to what you are listening for at each stage of the adjustments. Do you key in on the bass, or listen for treble?

I am looking forward to finetuning this arm and want to put in the effort needed to get it to its best sound.

Thanks guys, Brad.
Jeff_ss, don't knock yourself out over this. I certainly wouldn't ask you to do some kind of tech writing. One can usually find this information with a search. Really there are just two threads here that I know of that have the valuable info on this subject and since SirSpeedy was involved in both they shouldn't be hard to recall.
Exactly right, I won't sweat it.

I've been listening to my Graham 2.2 with Airy2-x-sb and it sounds very good. I'm so pleased it doesn't seem necessary to change anything, but of course I will experiment after maybe 25 hours on the cartridge. Down force is at 1.98 (was at 2.00 the first day, Sunday.) I've got VTA set so the cartridge is parallel to the first record played (don’t remember how thick that one was), and the fluid level is at the starting point (slightly below halfway up the square part of the bearing shaft.) It sounds so good! I’m strictly a jazz person, and cymbals have greater detail, soundstaging is improved width wise on some recordings I’ve listened to. Bass is quite good and I think it will get better. I’ve only listened to 6 or 8 records.
I expect a hefty commission if that manual comes to fruition!!I may need the dough to purchase a ZYX UNIV!Ya see Larry you "ARE" a pretty good salesman!!!

Doug,just when I was expecting some kind of defensive comeback(although not necessary)you go and make an "INCREDIBLY" nice offer!!Larry has also been very open about discussing,via the TELE the finer points of this potential winning design.However you have to hear something in real-time to determine it's merits.I would certainly make an effort to contact him if I decide to visit family in FLA.That would surely be an interesting listening session.

Hey Larry,hope you clear up that "room brightness" you alluded to.I' very picky!!

Back to your offer Doug.It's IMO too nice.You don't know me at all.I have,in the past,actually been ripped off(A Tandberg tapedeck).This happened 20 yrs ago,but I never forgot that feeling.I hope you never experience that.

That being said,and assuming you are sincere,I will ask my pal "YODA" if he is up to it.Right now he is without a cartridge,since his new TITAN has crapped out.This is the second one in a year.He is very frustrated,but has MANY connections,except he thinks this one may not go so well,since he already got a replacement for free.

I,due to Larry's enthusiasm,and credibility, have given my pal a HUGE pitch on the UNIV.Basically I told him not to turn his back on what may be the next great transducer recommended by the "BIG BOYS" of which my pal has associated with in the past.He is,though, an independent thinker,but he gets alot of feedback through his "IN" channels.Although that IMO means "CRAP" since we are all just "HOBBYISTS".

What he is looking for is a design that can compete with the likes of the XV1-S,TITAN(but doesn't break)MYABI,and the TRANSFIGURATION TEMPER V(low output)which I have and is "FRIGGIN" great.I guess as of now he's leaning slightly towards a COLIBRI.WHY? I have no idea!

This all goes out the window if he gets another TITAN,though we feel may present problems again,in his Air Tangent.

The only reason I got so wordy here,although as you know I do that alot(sorry),is because your offer is so damn nice, that I'm going to mention this to him.He is off to CANADA to visit with another audio pal (and record collector-extraordinaire),next week,but I bet he jumps at this.Larry did a good job.

By the way he lives in Brooklyn.If this comes off you won't be sorry,that I can promise.We'll see in a week or two.Thanks alot.

I get to meet another "GONE'R".Have a good tadoo over the Graham vs Wheaton.Hear the UNIV.You get to sample the system I call the best I've heard.Kill any reputation I may have,regarding my blathering about how good I think it is,if it's not(I'm not worried here).You get to sample "LEON's" bakery products(guaranteed better than the UNIV "experience").AND--we both hear some of the lp's in the "GUARANTEED BEST FRIGGIN RECORD COLLECTION IN THE USA.

I'll see what I can do!!

I would like to ask all those, who found this thread interesting, to "POST" comments regarding your feelings as to why the mainstream audio press had dropped the ball covering this topic.Afterall,this is a very popular arm,and has been covered extensively!!It has,also been around a long time.It took me almost 3 years to finally "give in" and really commit to fotzing around.Something that took way to much time to figure out,and I'm a dummy!

Maybe someone in the right place could catch wind of this and "WAKE UP" to the fact that there is more to QUALITY music reproduction than an endless parade of "Recommended Components" or covering the latest 5.1 "CHACHKA"!!
I think that the value of finding the correct damping fluid for a specific set up is just not well known and appreciated by either the mainstream audio press or even the distributor of the Graham products.
I went to hear the new Graham Phantom being presented last fall and I asked the distributor rep that was there at the dealer for the demo if he had "tuned" the amount of damping fluid for the set up and I was quite surprised that he "just put a normal amount in there". I did not get the impression that he was being apathetic or lazy, I felt he just did not have an appreciation of the impact that having the ideal amount of fluid could mean to the quality of the sound reproduction. This all happened after I read your original thread but before I had worked with Doug Deacon and Paul to find the best level for my system (or I would have had a much more detailed conversation with him).
I think Bob Graham probably understands that there is value in being precise with the amount of damping fluid, but I wonder if he understands it to the level that you have come to understand.