I am very interested in your power cords. How do I contact you? My ignorance at navigating sites is showing!
I switched to WE14ga speaker wire and Belden interconnects and love them, but it looks like I need to try WE10ga IC's and PC's now. Gotta love such great options at such reasonable prices. Jeff's site has been very helpful and I love the further experimention occurring here even more.
On a side note, after switching to the WE and Belden cables I've subsequently switched from the Odyssey Kismet Monoblocks to a little vintage Magnavox 9304 tube amp and I'm loving it. I'm using NOS RCA, Amperex and Mullard tubes from Vintage Tube Services. I'm hearing details and air I've never heard before. I'll soon go to a vintage tube amp in the 40-60 WPC range, but I'm not in a rush as I'm thoroughly enjoying this little 10 WPC Magnavox. Anyone else using this little amp? Any suggestions for my future vintage tube amp?
thanks, tom