Great phono stage, with character, for a digital pre

I have been trying out a NAD M12 and M23 setup which is really nice!  For my turntable I have a Sota Saphire VI with an Audiomod tonearm and a Dynavector Karat 17D2 MK II.  My current phono stage does not wow me much (McIntosh MP100).  Since the analog signal is going in and being digitized right away I was looking at other stages that may be warmer and give music that analog sound still.  So looking for recommendations for a stage with character , $2500 budget, and I listen to classical, jazz, and rock.  


Showing 1 response by lohanimal


You sound like you want something warm and definitively vinyl. As such I think that the ideal phono stage would be an EAR 834P. I've seen some quite esoteric systems having that as a phono option due to its warmth and unashamedly vinyl sound. I wish I had not sold mine as it was the kind of stage you can listen to for ages.