Greatest Rock Guitar Riffs

A British guitar magazine recently polled it readers to compile a list of the greatest guitar riffs. Guns 'N Roses "Sweet Child of Mine" came in at the number spot. Here's a link to the poll results. As you can see the list is entirely metal oriented.

My list would include:

The Chuck Berry intro
The Chuck Berry rhythm
The Bo Diddley beat
Temptations - My Girl
Kinks - You Really Got Me
Steely Dan - Reelin' In the Years
Sam & Dave (Steve Cropper) - Soul Man
Stone Temple Pilots - Plish
Beatles - I Feel Fine intro
Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze intro

Is it my fault that nearly all the great riffs are pre-1980?

What's on your list?
RIP Alvin; I saw them in the Fall of 1972 from the balcony of the Music Hall, Boston for their Rock and Roll Music To The World tour. It was loud but sounded great.
I don't know about "greatest", but I've always thought Hilton Valentine of the Animals riff in "The House of the Rising Sun" somewhat haunting.
there are so many awesome ones mentioned above...GREAT thread...gave me a bunch of LP's to pull out and spin.

How about:

Lou Reed Rock and Roll Animal...Into to Sweet Jane