Greatest Songwriter of all time

I was reading the Dylan post and it got me thinking. There are many great songwriters that come to mind, my expertise/knowledge is primarily with rock music. If you could only pick three, what would they be? My vote for best lyrics goes to:

Jim Morrison
Bruce Springsteen
Elvis Costello

Best music goes to:

Mark Knopfler
Stevie Ray Vaughn
Frank Zappa
Different categories but let me second:

Leonard Cohen
Warren Zevon

Billy Joel and if no one mentioned them

Steve Winwood
Cat Stevens

Joni Mitchell
Difford and Tillbrook
Bryan Ferry
Lots of others...Let me think...

"In fact occassionally one tune would be so good he'd use on about 6 or 7 different songs....."


That's funny. I've heard it said that every band just writes the same 7 songs over and over. I think that might be true.