Grimm MU2 Experience

I have ordered a Grimm MU2 and was wondering whether an owner out there could share there experience with the unit and what to expect with break-in?


I’ve had my MU2 for about 3 weeks. All I can say it’s the best digital that I’ve personally owned and I’ve had quite a few top performers including Lampy, Dave/Mscaler, Bricasti, Innuos, Spectral CDP. All the industry reviews are pretty accurate… can listen for hour after hour without any listener fatigue ( which I’m sensitive to) and not question what your rig is doing right or wrong…….you just become engaged with the music.

Thanks very much for your feedback.  My unit is scheduled to ship from the Netherlands early next week.  I must say that I am excited but nervous at the same time.  I did hear the unit briefly at Axpona, but it was really difficult to draw any meaningful conclusions.  I will say that it sounds different and it may take some getting used to.  I have heard some stories from users about some break in being over 300 hours.  Others have said that after about a week it really starts sounding like it is getting there.  What has been your experience with break-in?

I didn’t even bother listening to it seriously the first day. After the initial 24 hours it sounded pretty darn good to me. It continued to improve modestly over the next few weeks. 



Jealous of you guys as I can’t swing the Mu2 right now. I upgraded my front end with a T+A Dac 200 for now. Long term goal is a Mu2 with a pair of quality mono blocks. 
I heard the MU2 at Axpona with a LTA integrated and can’t remember the speakers. Very underwhelming but I don’t think the amp and speakers were a good match. Too many respected audiophiles rave about the Mu2 and are replacing 30k in seperates. 
@audio_nirvana  are you using a pre amp? What’s the rest of your system?