Ground voltage!!


I move to a new apartment and all the ground outlets have almost 80 volts of current!! Is this normal? What can I do?

 Thank you very much.



Sometimes a corroded neutral wire at the service junction can raise the neutral voltage. But one would see browning out of lights as the high current devices kick in.
The ground does not usually raise up thoiugh.

@bushikai   Responses here suggest sticking probes in outlets.  DON'T.

From what you write here and your obvious confusion, I really don't think you should be playing around with electricity.  Your house wiring clearly has a fault.  Switch off the power and call a qualified electrician immediately.

This thread is excellent at demonstrting how clueless this forum is about electricity.  It will be hard for the OP to figure out what to do based on the various answers here.  

It appears you have properly measured 80 volts ground to neutral.  I would probably check my meter before raising a red flag.  Does it read 118 or similar hot to neutral?  does it read 118 hot to ground?  

One guy suggested not to stick your electrical probed into an outlet.  that is what electrical probes are made for and you already have done it. that is how you measure electricity.  carry on.

Once you confirm it isn't just a bad meter, do what @erik_squires said.  He is one that undertands.  if it is real, it is a big deal for a lot of reasons.
