I have had similar experiences for years until I realized the simple solution was right in front of me...
My gear is in my living room and the floor is covered with a large wool rug.
a. Sometimes I would get shocked just by touching something in the room, especially in the winter months. b. Whenever I changed an LP it would 'pop'.
At first, I assumed that the process of playing the LP created a build-up of static charge due to friction (which is normal). I also assumed that crossing the wool rug charged me, which created the shocks.
I tried all sorts of 'solutions' - bare feet, cotton socks, tennis shoes, Berks, etc. Nothing really solved the issue.
While adjusting my cartridge and was remined that my TT is grounded to my Phono Preamp, which is grounded to the distribution box, which is grounded to the wall outlet (three prong).
My Solution - before touching an LP or any of the gear, I would touch the Tonearm for a few seconds (3 to, say 10). It was that simple, and it has always worked.
One tip - on really dry days, I blow a bit of moist-breath into my hand before touching the tonearm... e- quickly flow from me to the grounded gear.
No more shocks or pops (except some occasional very little ones). I am very happy with this solution. :-)
Good luck.