Grover Huffman GH RCA ZX+ cables vs...

At the $200/pair price point new or used, how does GH ZX+ cables compare to others like Greg Straley Reality cables, Gabriel gold (GG) revelation/raptures and alike...

I am looking for a cable that is neutral, and does not act as a filter in any way to highlight a certain portion of the music. From top to bottom it must allow the source material to come through..
Just checking in like I said I would. About a month in, and probably have about 100 hours on the ZX+s. I like what I'm hearing. The sound is lively, detailed, and very quick. There is definitely good a good sense of energy pulsing through the system that wasn't there before.
IMHO Shunyata haven't the clarity of my cables, and dismissing my cables via my price point shows price bias that isn't reflected in reality.
What makes a great cable is its ability to transport a signal without putting a signature over it. Most cables place sheen (cable caused distortion) over the signal this is why some use cables as tone controls. This is the wrong priority; you need a great cable to perfect the components in your system. Cables come first they are the limiting force. You can never overcome the limit an inferior cable imposes on a system.
I have compared Huffman ZX cables with literally dozens of other cables in A/B testing using all sonic parameters as a guide. The cables I have used for these comparisons are from Cardas, Mogami, Supra, Pangea, ASI Liveline, Kimber, Bybee, Furutech, Synergistic Research, Elrod and Shunyata.

After comparing many Shunyata cables with Huffman ZX cables there is no contest. Shunyata wins hands down -- across all parameters -- in my system and in other systems where I have heard them. This includes the parameters of detail, clarity and transparency. Huffman cables have a very definite signature -- a constricted sound stage and a sound that lacks fullness (harmonics). The result is SQ that lacks "naturalness", for want of a better word.

Huffman cables do not deliver "true to the recording" sound at all. They delivery what I would characterize as a "small" sound -- thin and constricted -- appropriate for less expensive systems, perhaps. To highlight these observations, if we are looking only at ribbon cables, if you compare the Huffman ribbon cables with Elrod ribbon cables (much more expensive, to be sure) it is very easy to confirm the same observations made (above) regarding Shunyata cables.
Sabi, In some cases I might agree with you but, you are also comparing Apples and Oranges in much the same light that you would compare a 1970's Hemi to todays Hell Cat Hemi but, one does it subjectivetly different from the other. Both do exactly what they're were designed to do. Not everyone has the money to 'invest' (if you will) in super high end cables, most of us(like myself) are the 'common man' (if you will) and like anything else cable matching is subjective as to perceived needs and system matching (which is most important as well) I use Grover's cables with tremendous success and do not find the short coming as what you precieve with my system but then again that ALSO may be because I pay attention to the performance of the room as well. My stageing is wide and deep, not strident, not hard and no listening fatuige as long as I choose to enjoy my music. My opinion differs from yours as I myself would not invest in the super priced cables even if I had the money, I know what is good (to me) and Grover's products have made jaw dropping differences to those who have heard my system both before and since I started using Grover's cables.
Sorry Sabai you've only heard the older cables. The new cable blows the others away. IMHO. We'll let time decide. Shunyata are just copper cables and even shielded. Any way you're prejudice. Can I ask a question why would copper cables cost thousands of dollars? Fairy dust? Isn't copper about $3 a pound? How much copper do you think is in there? I’ll put my cable up against any regardless of price. Price has no meaning in this business.