Gryphon Diablo 300 or Pass Labs Int-250 to Sonus faber Amati Tradition

What is the better match between Gryphon Diablo 300 or Pass Labs Int-250 to Sonus faber Amati Tradition?


Anyone heard both amp to this speaker?


today i got mc452 and c2700. Is Pass Labs in the middle of Mcintosh and Gryphon?

REGA OSIRIS can match up to these other contenders

there is no identifiable “ best” at this strata of equipment…only different bespoke sonic signatures for you to personally distill out to the one that  stirs your drink in terms of synergy with the rest of your system ( all of source, cables, and speakers)

It depends on what kind of sound you are looking for, I strongly recommend the Diablo, Amatis have a smooth personality and Pass 250 has it too, too much smothness in my opinion...

I don’t have experience with the Pass integrated but when I was home demoing amps I was testing separates, including those McIntosh amp preamp models, I couldn’t find any amps that didn’t make some genres of music sound harsh and grating to my ears over extended listening. Then I tested the Diablo 300. There was no comparison the Diablo sounded far superior than any of the separates that I was testing, that together cost about the same as the Diablo. Plus with the Diablo you don’t need an added interconnect and power cord.  I ended up buying the Diablo and I’ve enjoyed it for a few years now.