Gryphon Encore vs DM-100

I am on the horns of a dilema and decided to ask the A'gon community for an opinion. I am trying to decide between a Gryphon Encore power amp or a Gryphon DM-100. I've listened to both extensively on Usher AC-20 Speakers (90db 6ohm). My first question one of long term reliabilty on the DM-100, given it is an older design and pure Class A ? Secondly, the few opinions I have had from owners suggest the DM-100 should be a better sounding amplifier overall ? My personal experience contradicts this somewhat. Also, the Encore is approximately twice the price of the DM-100 for me to purchase.

If there are owners out there who have lived with both or either of these amplifiers, I would certainly welcome all comments

Showing 1 response by frankg

I own the Encore and have only heard the DM-100 in an unfamiliar system. My impression was that the DM-100 was bright on the top end but again, it was an unfamiliar system. The Encore is a great amp.
